
Crazy Color and Directions hair dye


Okay so in the last 4 years I've tried a few different semi-permanent dye brands and Crazy Color was the best when it came to price, how long it lasts and how easy is to get it bleached out. Other dyes were either too expensive for how long they lasted or were hard to bleach out. I also liked Directions but it needed more bleaching to get it completely out.
With both brands it usually lasts me a few washes before the color change is really noticeable. So yes I have to re-dye my hair every 4 washes if I want to keep the color.
I've been dying my hair unnatural colors since I was 18, but these dyes are all from last summer on because I never really took any photos of dyes I used before.
First thing I did after I finished school last year was dye my hair purple :D I liked Directions' shade so I bought this brand for the first time. I of course I first dyed my hair a very light blonde, applied the dye and left it on for a few hours like I always do with semi-permanents.

It almost looks blue here but it actually looked purple in real life :)
A few people though it was a wig and pulled my hair and were shocked when it stayed on my head haha. I got bored with it after a month so I bleached it out. It usually takes no more than 5 minutes with Crazy Color hair dyes to get it completely out but I had to leave bleach on for 10 or 15 minutes with this dye which I really didn't like :/.
Because I didn't want to have pink hair again I spoke to a few friends and we decided I was going to try blue hair dye. As a loyal customer I again bought Crazy Color :)

This is their darker blue and I think most people liked this one the best. Well it's the only dye I ever tried that people said later on 'you should dye your hair like that again'.
If it's not noticeable I adore pink :) so if the school's out I probably have my hair dyed a shade of pink. I love Crazy Color's Pinkissimo. It's a very strong shade of pink so this summer I decided to mix it with conditioner and I got a lovely shade of light pink which I love even more than the undiluted one :D  But right now I'm too lazy to fix my hair and take a photo :3. To anyone familiar with Manic Panic, Pinkissimo is similar to their Hot pink.
Haha this photo is kinda old :D
 I also tried Directions' Carnation pink. I love the shade but I don't use it because it is impossible to bleach it out if you leave it on more than the recommended 15 minutes which I always do to make sure the dye stays on...and this one does. I had to wait 6 months for it to completely wash out. I also used it when I had light brown hair after I saw a few gyaru models with a similar style and it looked really nice :)

I used Directions' Carnation pink and Crazy Color's Sky blue on both photos. Loved the combo but still got rid of it quickly after I decided I wanted silver hair. I went with Directions' Silver and I got a nice shade of silver/grey. I was also sick of people staring and I started a job.

This photo does not give any justice to the dye at all but it toned my hair nicely. It was kind of interesting when at first my hair was slightly silverish but with the first and second wash it got more grey.
Around end of April so many people were dying their hair red and after my cousin asked me do dye her hair a dark shade of red I decided to use up my left over red dye from winter and I dyed all of my hair a bright red. It was a really shocking red. I adored it but it was too much. Or maybe I just wasn't used to stares I don't know but I soon dyed my hair brown and left it that way until a few days back :)
Crazy Color's Fire

Sorry for the face spam I won't do it again I promise ;)

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