
Review: Missha Facial Choco Cacao Scrub


I got this scrub with my last Gmarket haul in July. I bought it out of pure curiosity and because it was half off, not getting it would almost be criminal. Another reason was I just needed a good face scrub, I wasn't able to find a good one in China and my skin was crying for it. So after using it for a few times, because I always forget that I have it, I can say it's a really good product, worth it's money.
I try and use it once a week, but in reality I use it maybe once a month.
The main reason behind this is the packaging. It's a jar made of glass, not something you take with you in the shower. So I keep it on the shelf on top of the sink. And forget to use it because I wash my face in the shower.
Glass makes for a perfect elegant packaging but it's not practical

But the glass jar really is the only down side to this. It smells AMAZING, I seriously want to eat it! I use it after I remove my makeup and wash my face with my fave Missha foam. According with the instructions I apply it to my face, and scrub away. The tiny granules or whatever it contains almost feel like sugar and some actually dissolve. After I wash it off, my face feels amazing, the skin is soft to the touch and most important, there isn't any feeling of tight skin.
But it smells so nice, let me eat it!

Well, the ingredients aren't perfect, mineral oil is the main ingredient here, which in combo with parabens doesn't make me too happy, but the end result is amazing so I will continue using it and repurchase it if I get the chance.

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