
April gets


and it's only the 9th! Man this month I've strayed off from my no "buy nothing you don't really need" plan. Well the thing is, I got a job so for a few months there will be a few spare €s in my wallet and today I really needed some shopping therapy :)
So I'll write a few words on a few more notable items......

Here it is!

Okay, so first, the Korean cosmetics part:
Etude House Proof 10 Primer
I pretty much ran out of my eyelid primer so I got myself Etude's Proof 10 Primer, which I've been using for a few years now and if you're looking for a new primer, try this one! It's cheap and it's good - I have extremelly oily lids and if I applied eyeshadow without using a primer, everything would be in my crease in about and hour or two. Highly recommeded :)
TonyMoly tonytint Delight #2
I've been looking for a new lip tint since it's been over a year since I last bought a lip tint (from Essence and they sadly discontinued their lip tints, WHY ESSENCE WHY?), so I went back to TonyMoly, I'm already looking forward to testing it out!
TonyMoly Gel Liner
Same story as with the lip tint above, my last gel liner dried out since I've been using it for over a year. Last one was also from TonyMoly so I know it's a good item, but I will still be testing and reviewing it soon :)

Now for today's buys!
Pantene Instant Repair Spray
My hair is really dry so it was about time to get a leave in conditioner. It was under 3€ so I wouldn't expect miracles, but my tips alreday feel a bit softer (yes I sprayed on my hair as soon as I got home) atm.
Balea Soft&Clear Patches
Another thing I was happy to see in DM today was this! I forgot to get some when I was in China in February, so I was happy to see it in the store today. If I remember correctly I was around 2.5€, but there are 36 circular patches inside, so this should hold for some time. I've been having some problems lately, so now I have a weapon against it!
You're supposed to stick them on for 8 to 10 hours, so I would usually put one on before I go to bed, and BAM! no pimple in the morning :)

Essence satin matt Nail Polish
Well, it's a matt topper! :) And another thing I love about it, besides it being a matt topper, it's really long lasting. Usually my nail polish holds one day with a base and top polish (this might improve if I start using fancier brands, but you know...tight bugdet), but this one starts chipping one the third day, so one more reason for matt nails for me!

Excuse my horrid nails :/
Duo Stiplash Adhesive
I was super excited when I found Duo's Eyelash Glue on MissLyn's stand in Muller today. Everybody that used false lashes at one point in their life, probably knows this is supposed to be the best lash glue there is.
Well, unfortunatelly I will never find this out because I'll be returning it today. Why? Well once I returned home, I checked the ingredients and it contains formaldehyde.
Now I don't know whether this is a regular ingredient in other eyelash glues, but I will certainly not use a glue that contains formaldehyde and if all adhesive have it, too bad for me.
Why?! I was really excited to put on falsies again

Essence Longlasting Lipstick #17 I Love Cake Pop
This one will get a separate review with a few other lipsticks I have atm, so only a few photos for now :)

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