
Crazy Color and Directions hair dye pt. 2


I've been wanting to dye my hair a lilac-ish colour for probably 2 years now, but decided to wait untill I come back from China. Well in these 2 years, my hair grew out, so I was back to "virgin hair" :D
Anyway, after 2 months of wanting and then again not wanting to sacrifice my healthy long hair for damaged but pastel purple hair, my boyfriend helped me decide to finally dye it!
So I went with my all time favourite Pinkissimo from Crazy Color and a shade from CC I've never used before, Hot Purple. I got Hot Purple because it's a blue based purple and I planned on mixing it with some pink to give it a little warmer undertone. Looking at the red based purple, I thought it looked to warm for my liking. And not to mention, it's simply a gorgeous shade of purple!

Actually I made a few mistakes. I didn't tone my hair enough, and the middle part of my hair was still a bit yellow-ish when I first dyed it, but I saw people put dye on hair the had more yellow in it than mine had so I though whatever, I can do it as well.
Well the first time I dyed it, only the tips and the roots took the dye, the middle part of the hair went a nice white/silver color. So I dyed it again, same thing.
Then I tried bleaching it because I believed my hair was not porous enough.
And the strands I put bleach on turned MINT GREEN!
Before, when I used blue yes from CC I could simply bleach it out, not green, so...I was not happy :/
2 weeks after this, H&S shampoo took most of the green out and I'm mixing Pinkissimo with my leftover Direction's Plum to hide the green.
So this is what my hair currently looks like, the mid part only takes a bit of pink, and the rest of the hair hold the colour really well. I mean, it looks really interesting, and there are so many shades of purples and blues mixed in, but it's not what I wanted.
So if anybody knows why my hair grabs dye so unevenly, please tell me!
Don't put bleach over CC Hot Purple (even tho it's an awesome colour ;_;)
Warm-toned purple and Pinkissimo look nice together.

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