
Clair Beauty Wig


This would have been posted earlier but I never remember to take a photo of the wig you know...outside. In the bright sun...It's not that I don't go out often during the summer vacation it's just that I never remember...really...I still need to pay the bills if not anything else. But because of the unusual lack of sunny days I can't post it yet.

But anyway that's not so important.

But if you just read through that and didn't care please enjoy a blurry photo of Kaohsiung.

Okay onto the review. This is my first wig and I chose it after about a month of going through numerous reviews of quite a lot of brands. In the end I chose this brand because it was one of the cheapest and had pretty much only good reviews. I got it on eBay of course and it got here in a week which is pretty damn fast. It usually takes about 2 weeks for packages to get here so I was surprised seeing the package when I got home.

Since this is my first wig I don't know how a good new wig is supposed to look but wow it looked like greasy hair.
It was nicely packaged with the bag and everything. I also got a wig cap with it and I think the seller would have sent me a wig stand or something with it if I gave feedback before the item was sent but since it was my first time ordering from them I wanted to be sure about their service. But I think next time I will be giving them good feedback before because everything was perfect and I think the wig is great.

The wig itself was really soft it felt a bit plasticy once you touched it but everyone thought my hair has miraculously grown overnight including my family (they thought it was extensions actually because my hair was dyed a similar color at the time) and friends who thought it was my real hair since they haven't seen me in a long time because you know exams mean no social life for me. I cut the bangs a bit but I don't think it was really necessary. There was no info on heat resistance but I think I read a review where the girl used heat on it and everything was okay. It also has a skin top and the color (flaxen) looks really nice and the wig looked the same as the seller advertised it. In day light it looks natural, it might have a bit of an unnatural shine to it on direct sunlight but other than that it's okay. But with flash it looks just like any other synthetic wig. SHINY, REALLY REALLY SHINY. But the baby powder helped toning down the shine a bit.
day light, inside, flash
day light, inside, no flash

It's been holding up okay I think. I've had it for almost 3 months now and except for the time while I was in Taiwan I wear it pretty much everyday. The ends started to get a bit frizzy so I got rid of it by straightening it. I used the lowest setting on my straightener (40 degrees Celsius). This also means the lowest layers are straight but I hope that washing it will revive the waves it had. If not then I guess I'll just have a really long straight wig or I might curl it.
Also why do I keep typing thong instead of thing and shine instead of shiny? What is spelling lol.

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  1. hello. what ebay shop did you get it from? :)

    1. Hi! sorry for a late reply, i got this from amashop2010 :)


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