
Review: Silver shampoo - Swiss-o-par and Balea


Something needs to change.  I need to change something in my life, but I have zero energy. There's all this I want to do, but I never really get around doing it, because I know I will do a hack job of it.

I want to get back into programming, I want to update my blogger and tumblr look and layout, I want to study, translate stuff but...all I want to do is marathon Grey's Anatomy (only yesterday did I learn about the pun in the title :D) and Battlestar Galactica.
Anyway, I just thought I'd post about silver shampoo's that are available in this part of Europe, because I had some problems finding half decent stuff that didn't cost me a fortune.
So in the beginning of the week I went to DM and by chance found Balea's Silber Glanz Shampoo.

I was quite disappointed by this shampoo I have to say. It's almost opaque, there's barely any colour in it, it's also drying and there is no visible result. It was just over 1€ so I won't be crying over money lost.

So a few day s later I was walking around Muller in Ljubljana and I saw silver shampoo and conditioner by Swiss-o-par. This time I first went home and checked for reviews, which were positive so the next day I got it!

I spent almost 7€ on both and this time it was money well spent. My tips and the hair at the top of my head are now, after just one wash, a lovely silvery shade. The mid part of my hair still won't budge, so I'll have to bleach it again...
This shampoo and conditioner are also not too drying, but I will still only use them from time to time and after I use up the conditioner I probably won't be purchasing it again but not because it's a bad conditioner, but because I already have a conditioner that I love more.
Just for a comparison, never mind the bad handwriting and the misspelled word  

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