
Geo Princess Mimi in grey


After a few months of trying to keep up with everything going on at uni, and it's mostly studying and maybe a meeting here and there, but lol no time for anything, I have some time off! Which means food and movies...for a day or two...then it's back to studying, I'm really falling behind in pretty much every class no matter how much I (try to) study ;_;
Anyway I got these lenses a few months back. I've been wanting to get this pair ever since these were available but just never had the money or decided to get ones with a smaller diameter. Silly me. Yep these are quite enlarging, nope the yellow part does not make me look weird, yep the blend really nicely with my grey eyes.

These are also very comfortable, I've already had a few pairs of Geo lenses, Geo Nudy and Geo Super Nudy to be exact and I did not find them very comfortable, especially Geo Nudy. Most people say those are comfortable but for me unfortunately they were not. And I loved Nudy blue because it looked so natural on my eyes. But yeah very comfortable, of course after a few hours my eyes started to get a bit dry, but it was nothing some eye drops couldn't solve.

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