
And the award for the most active "blogger" goes to....ME!


I think my last post was about a year ago, if not even more, time flies....
anyway, one of the reasons I started this blog was to keep my English from completely going down the drain, the other, to write about stuff, whether was it cosmetics or just whatever. I obviously failed :D But I do wish this time I can continue updating more often on stuff I got that maybe not many bloggers posted about or the info on whatever I find interesting in anyway :)
Quick update, school was the one that kept me from blogging as much as I would like, but on the other side, thanks to the good impression I made on my teachers, they suggested I should be one of the 4 students from our uni that gets a really good scholarship to study in China for a year. So here I am, in Beijing...studying my a** off, but at least I have more free time that back at home I guess :)
So one of the first questions I asked myself after I got here was, what happens when I run out of the products I brought with myself, and how do I get through the dry winter here? Well the next post is going to be about this, which product did it for me (in case someone, who's not too familiar with Chinese beauty brands, just like me, stumbles across this post :) ).

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